The Christmas Concert




That an eventful Christmas concert this was!

The band concert preceded the vocal concert so Walker had to be at school early to warm up.  Mason and I secured seats on folding chairs between the sets of bleachers and we waited. A few minutes later, Mason excused himself to get a drink of water.  Rather than walking in front of the bleachers, he ducked down and walked underneath them. He returned via the same path but just before he got to his seat, he bounced up under the bleachers and bumped his head hard. I put my hand on his head.  I knew immediately that it was bad because when I lifted my hand I saw blood.  I was freaking out internally but Mason was pretty stoic. When we got to the nurse’s office, I texted a picture of the gash to Bill at work to see if he could determine whether or not Mason needed stitches.  It wasn’t a great picture and Mason seemed ok so Bill said he would look at it when we all got home.

The rest of the concert went as planned.  Walker played. Mason sang. Walker sang.  We went home.  Bill finished up work and brought home a suture kit just in case.   I’ll spare the gory details and the photos but suffice it to say, the good doctor put in six stitches in Mason’s head while he watched Good Mythical Morning.  We will also leave out the details about how the lighting in the living room was not great and that Bill received supplementary lighting from an assistant holding a flashlight.  That assistant got woozy and nearly passed out so she had to pass the flashlight to her son.  The doctor continued to suture the patient while verbally monitoring his woozy assistant. The second assistant not only held the flashlight; he held his cookies too.


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