The White Mass


St. John the Baptist celebrated the White Mass tonight.   A White Mass was traditionally celebrated on the Feast of Saint Luke (the patron saint of physicians) in hospitals, chapels, parish churches, cathedrals and everywhere physicians routinely gathered with their chaplains.  It was named as such for the white coats of the physicians but the Mass actually honors all health care professionals. Saint Luke’s feast is October 18th but ours fell today. 


Our deacon (who coincidentally happens to be one of the other physicians at Bill’s office) approached Mason and Walker and asked them to serve at Mass.  I was thrilled.  I, of course, did not have to stand on the altar with the Bishop! Mason was initially a little nervous but we assuaged his concerns by reminding him that our friend Matt, the Director of Worship for the Diocese, would actually be orchestrating all the details on the altar.  Matt is the supreme altar server.

The Bishop was really just as kind as one would hope and quite complimentary of both boys for their service.  It was quite an honor to participate tonight and to remember all the health care providers.


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