Try It Tuesday :: Burger Edition


This week the challenge was burgers.  Now, while we in our family have been eating burgers for quite some time, they have basically been of the plain variety.  Mason decided that he wanted to try a cheeseburger garnished with lettuce, tomato and pickles. While we could have easily made burgers at home, sometimes a Try It Tuesday venue makes them taste better.  Five Guys was a good choice because they offer widely customizable burgers with good quality ingredients and they have delicious fries to boot. 


Walker went his usual route with lettuce, tomato, mustard and onions but he tried and shared Cajun Fries with me.


My burger was lettuce wrapped with all the veggies I could have them add. 

The burger verdict was that Mason would prefer to stick with meat and cheese but given that he tried what he set out to try, I would declare tonight successful.

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