Word Up!


At some point during the onset of the quarantine, I started walking more than running.  It gives me good opportunity to see different things.  Today I found a new roadside heart. 

I had better rhythm today.  I blogged, vacuumed, and mopped the floors.  It’s amazing what a clean space does for my morale. This afternoon I got to FaceTime knit with my friends, Peggy and Britni from Illinois. 



Bill and I wrapped up the puzzle we had been working on.  It was a great challenge because we are not as familiar with many of the areas outside of Newburgh and the east side of Evansville.  Sometimes we had to rely on the shape of the piece to fill a hole.  Despite its great detail, not all streets are named; in fact, ours isn’t. However, I found the one where a good friend lives and was able to place it.  The odds of that happening were not in my favor so it added delight to my day. 


After dinner, we played another game of Scrabble, this time upping the ante by introducing timed turns.  I personally don’t like that pace but it helped keep Mason’s attention.  He was also in charge of queuing Alexa as DJ.


After dinner the family evacuated the kitchen and I was left with piles of dinner dishes.  From my discussions with others, I am not alone in saying that we are doing many more dishes these days.  Tonight it felt particularly overwhelming.  I had to stop, take a breath and share the scene with Monique. Then I started up one of my favorite podcasts and let her entertain me when I tackled the pile, dish by dish.  Soon they were all done and I was able to retire for relaxation and knitting.

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