A touch of Normal


For the first time since the pandemic started in March of 2019, I was able to bring and use my personal cup at Starbucks. It was really hard for me to return to the paper cup after years and years of using my own from home. I was overjoyed to drink my coffee today.

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Traipsing around Town

This morning after my meeting, Bill and I left for a long walk. We decided to start at one of our usual spots off of Lincoln and head west. When we arrived at the Evansville State Hospital, we walked a loop around the lakes. There were a lot of puddles and ducks and some frolicking […]

A Happy Shot

Last night Bill and I were talking about the fact that I have seen many people with Down’s Syndrome come for their vaccines at the clinic.  They were included in the recent group with 55+ folks. It made me think of our friend Hayden. This morning I texted his mom to see if he had […]

Covid Connections

Today was another happy volunteer day for me! Each time I walk away with some good vibes. I spoke with Brandon, a checker from our grocery story. I asked him if he recognized me from the store but got a blank face. I tried to jog his memory by telling him that he always gives […]


This is the look that Mason is sporting lately. He was so happy to get the employee Travis Scott t-shirt from McDonalds. The Cactus Jack meal was a promotion before Mason started working at McDonalds.  He had heard that the shirt was going to quite a bit of money on the open market but Mason […]

Chilly and Wet

This morning Bill and I left for our walk in Ferdinand later than usual. It meant that I ate my lunch in the car and not on the trail. That allowed us to  focus just on hiking and might have paid off in a great outcome. It was quite chilly when we started but the […]

A Sunny Stroll

Because Bill was off today, we had time to take a stroll down by the river this morning. The temperature was brisk but the sunshine made the walk so enjoyable. We decided to stay close to home and chose the river path. There have been extended flood warnings in place lately due to lots of […]

WIP It 2021 | February Edition

Regrettably, procrastination might be my middle name. I once again waited until the very last minute to complete my WIP challenge for this month. I only started working on it yesterday when Bill was at work.  Last year in my birthday box, Laynie gave me this T-shirt from a conference she attended. White attire and […]

Fun Surprises

Surprise! Bill popped in to his office this morning before his shift at the Covid clinic.  Baby Yoda is doing well and was up for a fun little game of peekaboo. The little leaves are doing a fine job hiding his face. While Bill was gone, I tackled some languishing projects.  I sewed a bit, […]


We were all counting down the days to celebrate Sophia’s fifth birthday. She was quite the birthday girl, bringing treats to school and contributing a very special book to the library. The other super exciting news on this otherwise mundane Friday was the arrival of Mason’s new PlayStation 5. The new console was announced in […]