Monthly Archives: May 2020


Yesterday we noticed that there was water leaking from the freezer.  We emptied out the freezer to look at the coils and see if they were somehow frozen over as they had been when our heater went out in the freezer. (Yes, freezers have heaters.)  A technician came out and replaced it. I used our […]

79 and Counting!

Happy birthday to my mom! I am so glad that I was able to speak with her today and that she had some help celebrating. I started working on the next in the series of the Contini College Bound Quilts.  This one is for Joey who is headed to Xavier University in Cincinnati.  The initial […]

Wake Up & Smell the Coffee

After a solid workout on the Bow Flex today with my podcaster friends, Amber and Cori, I made myself a BIG cup of coffee in my initial mug from the boys a few Christmases ago. A few highlights of the day: I knit my several of my local friends and my friend Leslie in Pittsburgh. […]

A Grateful Hump Day

Hello, Wednesday! Thank goodness for my routines. They help me stay grounded even when I don’t sleep well and feel aimless. Today I got up and out the door for a nice walk with my podcasts.  Many of my favorite podcasters are staying consistent with their schedules, thank goodness.  Perhaps we are all craving that […]

Cinco de Mayo a la Covid

What does one do when a very loud thunderstorm wakes her up at 3:30 am? She starts her day early with an hour on the Bow Flex, drinks a little regular coffee and gets a lot done (including mopped floors and clean bathrooms) by 8:30 am. Under the umbrella of staying connected to people, I […]

A Moment of Fame

Mason made a meme and posted it on Reddit. He has been making lots of them since Covid started.  Today, one of his memes was recognized on Piediepie’s vlog today. The video is called, “I uploaded this by mistake….!!” and Mason’s meme appears roughly at the timestamp of 8:50. When he saw he had been […]

My Sock Arms Sweater

Greetings! Today I finally put my sweater on so I could send pictures to the designer for her review. This sweater has been a long time in the works, going back a few years now. Not knowing exactly what I’ve shared thus far, I’ll start at the beginning. The Sock Arms Sweater was designed by […]

A Sunny Saturday

Today was a productive day.  I started with early morning prayer in bed and followed that with a good Zoom meeting of friends. I made bread and wrote at least twelve sunshine postcards. My sweater blocked out well and I exhaled a sigh of relief.  I now have big yarn dreams and goals.  I also […]

May Day

Today started off with a bang! I ran five miles for the first time in ages. The sun shone and the spring flowers were in bloom. Then I went to a meeting in Brooklyn, New York! Covid has given me to opportunity to Zoom with people I know from other parts of the country.  Today […]