

Yesterday we noticed that there was water leaking from the freezer.  We emptied out the freezer to look at the coils and see if they were somehow frozen over as they had been when our heater went out in the freezer. (Yes, freezers have heaters.)  A technician came out and replaced it. I used our steamer to defrost the coils and saved us an hour of labor.  Woohoo! This time, the coils were not the problem.  Before I knew it, Bill had pulled out the fridge and was tinkering.


His very logical mind determined that the problem was a clogged drain where the water drips down under the coils.  Once he flushed it, we were back in business.  No outside help required!


Mason went to Holiday World to have his paperwork processed for his summer job.  He walked out with a name badge and an assignment.  He will be working at Goblin Burgers in Halloween section.


One of my favorite podcasters posted and it brought me so much peace and happiness.  There is something really lovely about peeking into this woman’s home and world.  She has boys about my boys’ ages and is a creative soul.  I really like the scrappy bags she makes. 


As if fixing the refrigerator were not enough, my super husband also whipped up fabulous homemade burritos with freshly made ingredients. He has been watching a lot of Sam the Cooking Guy on YouTube and was inspired by this video.




The recipe calls for rice, roasted poblanos, refried beans and cheese. 


Once the burritos are wrapped, then they are grilled in the pan. 


The layers of the burritos can be seen here. They were amazing! Good ingredients make all the difference.

Kyle and Miata

Lastly, Bill has been watching a lot of Mazda videos and it prompted me to reach out to his brother Kyle to ask if he still had the Miata that we recalled.  Indeed he does!

So, all in all, it was a very uplifting day!

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