Advent Day 22


Today would have been my grandma’s 100th birthday had she not passed away last August. The text chain among my extended family went wild with memories and photos. This one of her and Sophia was particularly endearing. (That afghan on the chair was a church project but sadly went to Goodwill when the house was sold and the small portion of the citrus embroidery on the wall was done by my Auntie Faye, who also passed away.)


I started my day with the Bowflex, knitting coffee cozies and my friend Cori’s podcast.  Cori has shared about her mother-in-law many times and recently asked if people would be willing to send her cards. Mae lives in a nursing home and was in a Covid-compromised situation so I was happy to reach out and send some cheer. Mae celebrated her 90th birthday last year!

Walker spend the day out hiking with friends and I tried to absent myself from the house so Mason could have some alone time too.  I met Liz for a pedicure, ran quite a few errands before lunch and then went to adoration as usual.  I took Mason to Killer to skate for the afternoon.

Our refrigerator circuit board arrived. Once Bill installed it, the appliance kicked on and hummed beautifully. It appears we are back in business but we will give it overnight to make sure it cools properly! We had a very nice dinner from Texas Roadhouse of all places. I was very surprised when I picked up our meal to find the restaurant packed inside and out.  Thankfully, curbside pickup allowed me to stay in my car but my mind was blown at how crowded it was.  We are in a pandemic and it’s a few days before Christmas. I wish people would be more cautious about spending time in congested places with masks off.

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