Advent Day 23


I rolled out of bed and hit the exercise machine with my knitting. This headband is for Kai, a special barista who leaves me love notes and always has her hair pulled back. I happen to know orange is her favorite color.


Bill and I had hoped to hike with Walker today out at Ondessonk but the forecast was not cooperating.  Instead of driving two hours to get caught in the rain, we opted to drive west ten minutes and walk a longer urban route. We parked at Lincoln and Hebron and headed downtown.


I was all bundled up with layers and glad that my raincoat protected me from the wind.



Our travels up Lincoln took us past this house across the street from St. Benedict’s Cathedral. We noticed the rose bushes were named for popes and religious folks and we are speculating that it’s a religious dwelling.  We continued on until we reached the downtown Doubletree by Walker’s high school.  I had a not-so-hidden agenda: to visit a very nice bathroom and get a hot cup of Starbucks. Our mission accomplished, we turned around and headed back.


The conversation was everywhere as it usually is but I paused in gratitude when we passed by the Easter Seals’ sign. Once again, an anonymous donor known as Pete left a sizable cash gift at the center.  He has done this forty times in the last thirty years. The good will gesture warmed my heart.  We returned to our car just as the first big rain drops started falling having walked eight miles.


The afternoon was delightfully mellow. Bill ran to the grocery store to pick up some provisions and the ingredients for our Christmas eve dinner and returned home as well with an unexpected bouquet of red roses. Ah, love! Then he and Mason began building the new bookshelves. We had a simple dinner of leftovers and called it a night.

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