EVV 13.1 x 10!


I ran a half marathon today! It was not my fastest nor my slowest race but considering I was undertrained, I am proud of what I did. 

My training included meeting my friend Andrea downtown each week, mostly Thursdays.  We tackled 6, 7, 8 and 10 miles and then dropped back to 8.  Her company and our conversation made the miles go much better. 

Monday and Tuesday this week it was 80 degrees but today it was 40! Dressing for that weather was tricky but I am grateful I made the right choice.

Andrea and I lined up in the 2:00 corral.  The gun sounded and we were off. Our pace was pretty consistent for the entire race but at mile 10 we had the 2:10 pacers on our heels.  When the they called out that we only had to keep up for another three miles, something was ignited in both of us. 

I remembered a mantra and put it into action.

Quick, light.

Quick, light.

Quick, light.

Quick, light. 

One foot in front of the other to the finish line.


Official finish time: 2:07:03

It wasn’t until after I got home that I realized this was my tenth time running this race. I’m proud of that too! 


  • Good for you regardless of any time!
    (Is there a 4:00 corral?) 🙂

  • Elizabeth McCleary wrote:

    excellent work! I love that you are there for each other. One of my favorite things about cross country is when I see a team-mate (while running) saying to their team-mate….”we got this” (or something else encouraging). I tear up regularly at Cross country races….which just isn’t a thing at soccer/baseball/basketball.

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