Here and There


Bill and I managed to stay busy while the boys were at camp.  He took a few days off so we had extra time together.  We caught up on conversation, worked on a puzzle together and listened to an audio book.  We also explored some restaurants that had been on our list.  China Bistro was the first stop on Sunday night.  I had heard good things about their fried calamari and the rumor was definitely accurate.  I’d order it again. 


Monday we worked on the puzzle, listened to the book and drove to Bloomington for dinner at Samira’s, an Afghani restaurant.  The food is divine and it was such a treat to have food from that region.  I ordered the vegetarian sampler which had Sabzi (spinach), Badenjan (eggplant), dal and rice.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and next time I know to order just the Sabzi.  It was that good. 

Throughout the week and several times a day, Bill and I watched the website for pictures of the kids to see what they were up to at camp.


Monday we spotted Mason and Tommy making a sand castle on the beach



and Walker with his horse, Marcu (pronounced Mar-COO).

Bill worked all day Tuesday and I had appointments.  I played catch up with a few posts on my blog and mailed off another note for the boys.  Today’s mail out was a container with camp themed Mad Libs letters for them to send back home and their favorite gum.


We spotted Mason at handicrafts doing Perler beads with Mac, riding his horse, Clementine and playing Wads of the Wilderness with Jackson, a game where you throw paper wads and the winning team has the fewest wads on its side.image



Wednesday Bill had meetings in the morning and the evening but we had the day to ourselves.


While he was at the morning meeting, I made our Doctor Who fans shrinky dink charms of the Tardis and the sonic screwdriver.  When Bill returned, we drove out to Owensboro to go bike riding in Owensboro.  Unfortunately, the trails were just too wet.  We got home about noon and we tackled staining the play structure, a big project we hoped to accomplish this week.  Between the two of us, we made great progress.  We worked on it all afternoon and again when Bill returned from his evening meeting.  It was dark when we finished but when we laid our heads down, the entire structure was done.  Yahoo!


Meanwhile we found Mason and a friend at woodsmanship where the campers learn how to build a fire and do lashings. We haven’t seen much of Walker but we think it’s because his unit spends the day out on the trails.


Bill had to work again on Thursday and I did more household catch up.  I admit, I fell victim to the puzzle again.  It turns out I really like doing them.

We finally saw a picture of Walker on Thursday riding his horse back from the overnight.  I bet he had a great time traveling to their campout spot on horseback. 



Mason hiked to Pakentuck on Thursday.  This is a great spot with a waterfall.  They usually have PB & J sandwiches there and tromp through the water a bit.

On Friday, Bill and I went to historic New Harmony.  I had been there with my parents last September but I thought Bill would enjoy the tour too.  Bill had another meeting this morning so before we left, I got to spend more time updating my blog.   New Harmony was hot and there were a lot of bugs! No one else arrived for the afternoon tour so the guide really customized it to our interests.  We went to a few different places than I had been before.  We walked two of the local labyrinths.  One was etched in granite and the other was created with sculpted hedges.  The bugs and heat detracted a bit from the overall experience but I bet it would be very meditative in the fall or spring.  After a little window shopping at several of the shops on the main drag, we headed back home for dinner at the original Roca Bar.  This is an iconic pizza restaurant in Evansville. If you like cracker crust pizza cut into squares, you might like it.   

On the final full day at camp, there is an all unit activity called Marathon. It’s a battle of endurance, strength and endurance between the units and the competition is fierce.  Walker was boondoggling blindfolded for his unit.


It was a fantastic week for us at home and it looks like it was at camp too. There is just one more sleep before we get the boys.  We can’t wait!


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