Old Ben Once Again


I’ll never be able to fill Bill’s shoes but this weekend, I made an effort and I took Mason to the Cub Scout Fall campout. (Why, you ask? Bill was out of town at a conference and returning too late to attend.)

The Webelos requirements were on my side.  Mason had to set up the tent himself.  He scoped out a prime location and laid out the trip.






Almost in the blink of an eye, he had pitched the tent and driven in the stakes.

We had ridden up to Old Ben with friends and arrived early enough to take full advantage of the afternoon and campgrounds before the official scout activities began.




While Mason fished (catching quite a few, by the way) and skipped stones, I ate my lunch and knit in the sun.  It was a crisp Fall afternoon, perfect for these kinds of outdoor events.


Shortly after, we returned to camp for the opening with our new cub master, Jeff.  He is upbeat and enthusiastic.


The first activity was tug-o-war.  I expected a short game but Jeff impressed me with how he drew it out and involved all the kids.  Even the adults got into the game and yours truly pulled her weight.

Dinner that night was prepared by one of the other dens and met Mason’s satisfaction.  We brought our own hot dogs for him to roast and he supplemented with spaghetti and fruit.  Of course, no campout would have been compete without the campfire, rousing stories and s’mores.  Mason jumped in and took a turn in the spotlight telling a funny story or two.  We wrapped up the evening with a night walk to look at the stars before snuggling into our tent. I slept better than ever in one of our sub-zero sleeping bags.  Though I was mocked gently for bringing such a heavy-duty bag, I’m always cold and the extra padding and warmth made for a great night’s sleep.

Sunday after breakfast, we picked up and headed to Mass in Petersburg.  This was a small one room Catholic church and our group certainly did not go unnoticed. Unfortunately, we arrived a few minutes late but we were an impressive group of scouts in uniform.  I giggled at the end of Mass when Father thanked us for joining them. It turns out, we 30 scouts would make an impact on their monthly numbers.

I owe big thanks to the Hershbergers for driving us to and from.  Maybe I’ll include the story of the unexpected carpooling under another post.

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