Run this Whey


Our local running shop, Swift Athletics, sponsors a 10 mile race to raise awareness of galactosemia. I have wanted to run it for several years but have always had scheduling conflicts.  Wouldn’t you know that last year it was 50 degrees and today it was closer to 30 at the finish!


Oh well! Kristy and I had a great time.  The race course is out on the West Side, a part of town foreign to me.  Thankfully, Kristy had run this before and also knew that part of town much better.  We ran a figure eight course around long stretches of farm lands with hills at the beginning and end and big wide open swaths of land where the wind whipped up. It was cold and desolate and at points my eyes felt like they were glazing over from the temperatures. 

At about mile 8, Kristy sent me off to finish the race.  When I told her I wouldn’t be able to find my way back, she reassured me with a few directions and sent me on my way.  The last leg of the race was a giant hill and I could see a man who had run near us the entire route.  Suddenly I felt a surge of energy and I threw everything I had into my run.  As I hauled up the hill, he kindly encouraged me with a “Way to go!”  Somehow I found the grace to reciprocate with a “You can do it too!”  Once I passed him, I prayed hard that I would not give out and have him pass me up. 

Thankfully I was able to finish strong (and ahead of that good sport).  I ran back to meet Kristy and we headed straight to the car and her heated seat warmers.  Thank goodness for good friends and great runs.


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