Sampling The Instruments


Starting in the sixth grade, the students have a choice for music.  They may elect to take band or continue with music classes.  We discussed the choice with Walker and had almost fully convinced him that continuing with music was the best choice.

Then we went to the open house to see what band was all about.  It turns out that Walker is fairly musically inclined.  He tried every instrument they offered including flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone and percussion and across the board, he got a thumbs up.

The commitment of band, everyone says, is minimal.  There are only a few assignments each quarter.  The band teacher comes to the school and there are only two concerts a year.  I have it in writing that the practice time is only an hour weekly.

At the end of the night, I knew we were sunk.

Walker’s talent is raw but hopefully with time and practice, he will be blowing out the tunes melodiously.


  • I think there was a missing pic. that would have given away his choice. (There was a big blank spot.). Did he choose an instrument?

    Matthew Loves band (trumpet….last year he was able to march). Carolyn plays the baritone (started with tuba) but next year will probably be her last so she can concentrate on choir in the higher grades (when they start to do “show choir” instead of just singing…which she loves anyway)

  • Gramma Jamma wrote:

    Watched this without audio and noticed Mason in the background having a great time with a slide trombone. Papa wanted to play it when he was young. Maybe Mason will fulfill Papa’s dream.

    All the music lessons and exposure to music pays off. Good for you, Walker.

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