Lemon Bars a la Zelda


As we experience the seasons at Bill’s new office, we are learning about their traditional celebrations.  Christmas brings about the annual cookie exchange.  Bill signed up thinking he would bring Chocolate Peppermint Pinwheels.  Mason was quite excited about the exchange and he also had a cookie in mind.  He wanted to make Nerdy Nummies’ Zelda Triforce Lemon Bars


This is a recipe Mason discovered via YouTube.  Rosanna, the hostess, is a wee bit silly but she does make tasty things.  We used one of her recipes last year to make peanut butter squares. 


When we found out we had to make eight dozen cookies, we knew we needed to start baking early to complete them all in time for Tuesday’s swap.


Mason played a major role in making these.  He grated the lemon zest, squeezed the lemons, cracked the eggs, mixed the flour with the other dry ingredients, and then pressed the cookie layer into the dish. 

I was very proud of how much he has learned about baking.  He has taken an interest in it so much that he decided to do a baking project for 4-H.  I knew his baking skills were improving but he surprised me further when he said, “The lemon juice spilled on this and it tastes divine.” Thinking I missed something, I asked him to repeat himself. 

“I said, it tastes divine.  It’s a cooking expression.”

Clearly he has been soaking up all the details on the food shows we have been watching on television!

Now we just need to bake, bake, bake and the pack the cookies up in half dozen portions.  I know Mason is excited to see what we bring home!


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